And at last we disclose, as promised in the previous post, tiny tricks of marketing communications integration, which are simple and clear ideas, but do contribute dramatically to the overall image of your company. To find your business out of disintegrated marcom world it’s enough to complete some very easy key steps like the following.


Whenever you launch anything - from a simple case study to an entirely new product - aim to leverage all the channels. If there are channels you're not yet targeting, talk to your integrated marketing communications agency about establishing a presence today - before your next launch.

  • If you're drafting a press release don’t forget your SEO keywords. And take care over the resources you use to seed the press release to the media to make sure it gains better ranking in the search engines.
  • Remember to mention the launch in your blog and sync it with your company’s socialaccount. Add a call-to-action.
  • Include your announcement in your news email and newsletter. Provide links to a relevant web page and product video on YouTube.
  • Consider calling a press conference. And to maximize media coverage create a FourSquarespot for journalists and especially bloggers to check in.
  • Whether the press conference takes place on your premises, or an event location, make sure there's free WiFi available for journalists and bloggers.
  • Create an online press kit - complete with links to every other element of your integrated marketing campaign.
  • Create an event on Facebook, invite target journalists, post details from time to time – all to increase interest. Place photos from the event and tag journalists.
  • Could you create some souvenirs? Try to be innovative and original. (Hint - a lot of journalists and bloggers are now drowning in 4 Gb memory sticks. Try a new idea.)



If your integrated marketing is focused on B2B clients, then you may need to concentrate your efforts in different areas.

  • Create an integrated launch announcement in your corporate news mail, with a link to the related website page with embedded video also placed on YouTube,
  • Don’t forget to consult your sales team to discuss which datasheets will better communicate the benefits and how tos.
  • After any events such as client meetings and press conferences, place photos on the web: people like to see photos of themselves! Instagram them. 

We could go on... and both of these lists would get really long. Because we have lots of ideas for integrated marketing campaigns, and that's as it should be. We are, after all, an experienced integrated marketing communications agency – and fans of what we do. Remember the list, think it over, check what is suitable for your business, communication, objectives, audience, introduce more instruments – and don't forget even those tiny ones. And never make it a mixed salad - but a fine tuned melody!

Combine, integrate, evaluate! Enjoy!